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Enhance your natural beauty
with Permanent Make-up

Welcome to Permanently Natural 
Permanent Make up

A fully licensed and insured clinic in West Northamptonshire, founded by permanent make-up artist Karen Beare.

Karen specialises in professionally applied permanent eyebrows and eyeliner that look completely natural, won’t smudge, or wash off.  Let Karen create bespoke, natural eyebrows and eyeliner tailored to your own unique beauty requirements.

Why not invest in yourself by getting professionally applied Permanent Make-up?

What is Permanent Make-up?

Permanent make-up is a form of cosmetic tattooing also known as micropigmentation.  This is done using a specialist machine or handheld tool to implant pigment into the top layer of your skin.  The process uses pigments rather than inks meaning it will fade over time but will always remain in the skin.  Permanent make-up creates long-lasting eyeliner, lip colour or natural-looking eyebrow definition.  Permanent make-up is a two-part procedure and only after your 6-week touch up appointment will you be able to see the full results.


Permanent make-up can make a life-changing difference to those who have sparse eyebrows or no hair, have difficulty applying make-up themselves, reduce time on daily make-up routines and give you 100% smudge-proof and waterproof make-up.


Typically, permanent make-up lasts between 12 months to 3 years depending on age, skin type, genetics, lifestyle choices such as exposure to sun or use of anti-ageing products.

Please note permanent make-up is not suitable for those who are under 18 years of age, pregnant or breastfeeding.


Look beautiful, feel beautiful, be your confident you!


What are the benefits of Permanent Make-up?

Do you want to enhance your natural beauty, increasing your confidence and even look younger?

Would like natural-looking eyebrows again if you have over-plucked, have reduced hair growth through ageing, alopecia or chemotherapy?

Would you like natural-looking permanent eyeliner which will make your eyes stand out even with no other make-up on?

Would you like to redefine your lip line, or add volume to your lips with Permanent Lip Make-up?

Perfect for you if you have skin sensitivities, hay fever or allergic to make-up products.

No need to worry about applying make-up if you have reduced dexterity or poor eyesight.

Do you want to save time and effort every day, so you are always ready to go? Especially on holiday or when active at the gym or swimming.

Permanent make-up could be PERFECT for you!




Would you like better definition and shape to your brows, or to remove sparse areas and correct any asymmetry? 

Eyebrows created using the best colour, shape and technique for you, enhancing your natural beauty.

Coming Soon


Would you like to have fuller and lusher looking lips? Or just a flush of youthful colour or maybe a more intense look?


Create definition, shading is great to create a subtle blush or even a splash of colour to the lips.



Would you like the appearance of thicker, fuller and darker lashes? Or to achieve the look of eyeliner without having to apply make-up every morning? 

Enhance your eyes with natural yet noticeable permanent eyeliner.

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Are you wanting rid of unwanted hair? Ask about our waxing services, for facial waxing, body waxing and sensitive area waxing. 

We only use the best materials  and products to ensure professional and silky-smooth results.

Coming Soon

Swedish Massage

Relax and de-stress with a full body Swedish massage. 

Massage treatments coming soon.


June 2024.

What my clients think


Get in touch

Fill in the form below or call directly to book your consultation or ask any questions.

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